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© Gail Underwood Parker

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Caring Heart: The Curse of Presents

Continuing with Holidays 101 theme, today's meditation may connect with those of you who are fostering children who still have some connections to mom and/or dad.

The Curse of Presents

Sometimes I think I hate presents.  Whenever there is a celebration that brings presents I cringe.  I fill with tension and wonder if the kids do too?  I wonder if the children will get a present from their mom or dad.  If they do, will it even be remotely appropriate for them, or something I have to take away for safety or age match reasons? And how do I mange the return gifts from the kids to their mom and dad?  I should be better about it, but on how it bugs me to give the children money to buy a gift for the same people who seldom care enough to do the same for their children.  To watch them spend their [or my] hard-earned money to buy something nice for mom or dad while mom or dad just goes to some charity place and picks out a toy truck for the 16-year-old or an eye shadow kit for the 7-year-old.  Ease my frustrations, Lord.  Loosen the knots of tension.  Help me admit the pangs of jealousy and move past them.  Help me remember that it is about the kids, and that it is not a competition.  Help me celebrate the generous spirits and the loving hearts within these small bodies. 

Excerpted from "The Caring Heart Speaks: Meditations for foster, kinship, and adoptive parents" by Gail Underwood Parker   Artwork by Anna Parker David from the book cover.

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