Many children struggle with math, even become math phobic. Learning disabilities often make math much more challenging. Take advantage of little moments to make math review fun. The kiey is to use short time spans to focus on a particular math skill. Because the time is short, the emphasis can be on fun, keeping the stress low and developing a habit of success and painlessness.
See how many multiplication facts your child can get right before the stoplight turns green. [Addition or any other mental math works well.] Try keeping track to see what the highest is during any given trip, week, 5 miles, etc.
Dish Swap:
The person washing dishes quizzes the person drying. When s/he misses a question they switch positions until the next question is missed. [This can be done with siblings of different ages by using different levels of math problems.]
Round Robin:
[Example with 3 people] Person A asks a question of person B, then B asks one of C, then C asks one of A, etc. This is especially nice since there is no penalty at all for a wrong answer. The circle just continues.
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2025: Gearing Up
3 weeks ago
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