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© Gail Underwood Parker

Saturday, October 2, 2010

QuickTakes: Creative Rewards 1-5

Friday Quick Takes... lists, book reviews, recipes. Today's entry is a list of five unusual ways to reward your child for good choices or good behavior. Nothing on today's list is extra calories or extra expense so give them a try the next time!

1. First choice of seats at the table. [Even head of the table.]

2. First choice of seat in the car. [Except driver's!!]

3. Control over who sits where for dinner. [Everyone must be gracious and pleasant regardless of who they are put next to by the one in control.]

4. Control of the television remote. [Set a period of time of your choice.]

5. A One Chore-One Time free pass. [Kids love watching you do their chores.]

If you are a crafty person, you can make certificates for each of these that they can hang onto and "cash in" when they choose. Kids love that. You can even post the certificates in a reward basket or bowl so kids can see them and be reminded of the rewards that are available for good behavior.

Send me some of your best, most unusual rewards... especially if they don't cost much and aren't food.

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