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© Gail Underwood Parker

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Caring Heart Speaks... First Night Meditation

Sundays are reserved for discussions of faith and for meditations on the challenges of parenting and in particular parenting foster, kinship, adoptive and special needs children. Not that we who do that would ever feel overwhelmed, or helpless, or frustrated, or lonely, or in need of help! Noooooo. Anyway... For a while I will be including meditations from my new book The Caring Heart Speaks. It is supposed to be available on Amazon, but for some reason it is failing to show up. -sigh- One more thing for me to address sometime. I thought it fitting to start with my meditation for the first night with a new child in the home.

The First Night

Oh God of all, you have brought this person into my care tonight. He is sleeping now, but what will he be tomorrow? Will he be timid, angry, sad, frightened? Will he understand what is happening to his life? He is supposed to be with parents who will love and care for him until he is grown. What has happened in his life that makes that so impossible? Will he understand why he is with me and not those he believed would love and care for him? Give him strength and comfort, Lord,for all that has been and for all that is to come. In the midst of emotional turmoil and so very much change for him, give me the words that he needs to hear. Guide my actions that they will comfort and guide him through this transition. Strengthen me for the days ahead whether short or long, few or many. Give me the resources to be what this child needs, and to provide what this child should have had and has not. Be with me, Lord. Be with his family. Be with him. Amen.

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