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© Gail Underwood Parker

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Caring Heart Speaks...A Party Invitation

Sundays are reserved for discussions of faith and for meditations on the challenges of parenting and in particular parenting foster, kinship, adoptive and special needs children. Today is a celebration of a kind other foster parents will relate to, or parents of a child with challenges or special needs... the day they get a real invitation to a friend's party.

A Party Invitation

Dear Lord, She got invited to a birthday party today! I was beginning to think it would never happen. Oh, she got invited when she was in preschool, when you have to invite everybody or nobody. But since the years where it starts being selective....nothing. Please let this party work for her. Help her fit in and find some friends. Help her feel that she belongs. We worry so much about whether our children will choose to surround themselves with good friends or risky friends. We forgot to worry about whether they would be able to surround themselves with friends, whether they would even have a friend. Thank you for the parents who included her in the invitation list. Thank you for the child who included her. Open the eyes and hearts of the children at that party, Lord, and let them see all that is good and precious in her. Help them see, and open the circle to make room for this child. She needs friends. Be with her. Amen.

This is also a meditation from my new book The Caring Heart Speaks. It is supposed to be available on Amazon, but it is still failing to show up. -sigh- For those concerned about gender issues, in the book I alternate gender pronouns, so just change it to fit you need.

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