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© Gail Underwood Parker

Friday, October 8, 2010

Anything Can Happen: Art Linkletter* calling

I happen to be currently parenting several children who struggle in school. It has made me very aware of the difference between book smart and street smart and how I.Q. tests are hopelessly inadequate. Every once in a while one of my kiddos comes out with something that shows an insight that isn't test-measurable but belies some of the negative assumptions I have heard.

Latest... a dinnertime question. "If you were stranded on a desert island what one thing would you want to have with you?" One child said his PlayStation or computer. One child named a friend. The other looked at the other two and said "I wouldn't take either of those." "What would you take?," the sibs asked. The answer was give with a "duuuhhhh" expression as if we were all quite foolish [and perhaps were]. "I'd want to have a boat, silly."

Not earth shaking, but Friday's are Anything Can Happen Day on my blog, so you get what you get...:-)

*[OK, the reference to Art Linkletter definitely dates me... old. Not quite ready for carbon dating yet, but it is the only type of dating I am likely to experience. So, for you young'uns... Art Linkletter had a show where he would interview kids from 4-7 years old or thereabouts. His goal was to take advantage of a child's lack of filter and by asking them questions, thoroughly humiliate and embarrass the parents on national, albeit black and white, television. If you need a good laugh, get his book of some of the best on interlibrary loan: Kids Say the Darndest Things. You'll find that a lot of it is absolutely timeless!]

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