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© Gail Underwood Parker

Friday, July 8, 2011

Anything Can Happen: Lawn Chair Drill Team?

Round Pond is a small town in Maine that is known locally for its unique Fourth of July parade traditions.  You can read about its beginnings in an online article from several years ago.  Anyone who wants to participate can, in any way they choose, just by joining in the line.

Round Pond has floats... but not covered in rose petals.

Some poke fun at our "state bird" and politics
Some tiptoe toward the edge

Bands are more likely to feature kazoos than trumpets.

Washington DC has its Marine silent drill team.
They are immaculately dressed, move in perfect unison, practiced for hour upon hour. They move and toss and spin and snap bayonet-tipped military rifles.*

Round Pond is not to be outdone! They too have a drill team.  The Round Pond parade's Tacky Tourist drill team, of different size and debatable choreography each year, is the lawn chair drill team. They do not dress immaculately, they move in approximate togetherness, and they practice.... perhaps once. They move, toss, spin, and snap... lawn chairs!

 Check out the  video and be inspired to fun by these glimpses of frivolity.

This is a truly Anything Can Happen parade for this week's Anything Can Happen post.

*PS: Check out this video of the Marine Drill Team for a model of military precision.

Image credits:,,

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