7. How can we move to an economics of friendship?
I've never met Patch Adams, and I am not completely sure what he means by "economics of friendship." My desktop dictionary defines economics as "the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services." How many goods and services of friendship do we produce, distribute, and consume?
My father once talked to me about friendship as a bank account. He was trying to teach me as a child that you must put into a friendship as well as take out. You will certainly lose many friends if all you do is consume the goods and services of friendship. But you are also likely to lose friends if you only produce and distribute friendship. This was a surprise to me, but has turned out to be true as I grew up. Part of keep a friendship healthy is the balance of give and take. Let you friends help you sometimes, just as you help them.

Image credits: nazarsudhakar.blogspot.com, selfempowermentsecrets.com, boncherry.com
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