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© Gail Underwood Parker

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Parenting Tips: Plan a Happy Mother's Day

Have you ever been disappointed on Mother's Day? I have. I am ashamed to say that I have sometimes spent Mother's Day evening feeling sorry for myself, feeling frustrated instead of pampered or celebrated.  Not a very politically correct admission, but real.  Part of it is being a single parent for so many years.  But in all honesty it could have happened just as easily while I was still married.   I think it is partly because I didn't plan properly. I didn't teach my kids HOW to make it happy or give them the tools to succeed.

Set yourself up for a GOOD Mother's Day... start planning now!

What you can do will depend on your kids ages, dispositions, etc. but here are a few ideas..,

1. Mark it and circle it in red on all family calendars.
2. Talk about it at dinner.  Talk about it in the car.  Prep children [and spouses!] with lots of info!
3. Give them ACHIEVable ideas [ex: Don't expect 24 hours of calm... ask for an hour in the afternoon]
4. Make a list of wishes they could choose from.... include free stuff like backrubs, bubble bath, etc.
5. Stock up on things they need to make it easier for you  [paper plates, individual boxes of breakfast cereal, cake mix & prepared frosting, whatever] Maybe even rent a video that will keep them happily occupied for that hour of peace you want, while you curl up with a good book or the latest gossip mag.

If you are a single parent, give them ideas of things you can enjoy from the local dollar store [candles, soaps, stationery, whatever], give them chances to earn $1-2 during the week and arrange for a babysitter or friend to take them shopping.

Last but not least... While we are at it....start planning now for your next birthday.... teach your children to make a dinner meal that you would enjoy on your birthday. Teach them how to make a breakfast in bed tray, and the breakfast to go on it!

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