Since we've been talking joy... let's look at his question about joy:
"If being publicly joyful, even silly, were beneficial for our society, would you participate?"
You can choose to do something small but silly like wear a clown nose, or two ties, or mismatched socks. Get some friends to join you! You can try being a bit more daring anonymously with a chicken dance in public or with some friends like the Inspired Mayhem group who also tried some silly walks in public to see if others would join in. Flash mobs are one of the better known examples of large groups and public silliness.
Some flash mobs create the effect by doing nothing in the middle of a grocery store.

In the UK they did two public art projects to revive the sense of silly in adults.
Sometimes silly even catches on and becomes a fad [Think hula hoops, pet rocks, and silly bandz!]
So. I challenge each of you to participate in an act of public joy this week. If you are more radical or more daring, organize a group activity. Let's see what happens. Let's make joyfulness contagious! Think what could happen. I suspect Dr. Adams would be proud.
Image credits: bradmontgomery.com, shoponline2011.com,unexpectedidea.com, selectaspeaker.com
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