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© Gail Underwood Parker

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Quick Takes: Clothes on a Shelf

OK, today I admit that I sometimes get intruiged by those infomercials that make the tedious look easy, or simple, or even fun.  Today I share one that [for me and my crew] actually worked! I offer you [ta-da-] the Flip n Fold!

I bought this out of desperation for one of my kiddos who was struggling sooooo much with his requirement [see Thursday's laundry post] to fold his own clothes.

It was a small miracle!

In fact it was several miracles!
1- He actually used it.

2- It actually worked.

3. He loves using it and he loves making his shirts and pants look like they are folded in a store! For a little under $20, it worked a transformation in his room.

Here is a glimpse of how it works.....

As always, remember that these are NOT paid plugs or in any way requested or rewarded.
Any products that I share on this blog are things that I found and tried and decided to share.

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