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© Gail Underwood Parker

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Fingers crossed

Today I woke up when I woke up.  Not when my youngest woke up.  Not when my crankiest woke up.  When I woke up.  What a glorious luxury!  How did I manage this?  My three little and not so little guys are all at camp this week.  I tried this once before and it didn't work by one they were sent home by the camp nurse with flu or cold [or maybe just Fate spiting me?]. Yesterday I caught up the dishes and laundry and picked up the living room, dining room, and hallway.  Guess what.  Today when I woke up.... it was still picked up!  What a treat!  I have talked to my grown children and several friends on the phone.  Guess what.  Noooo interruptions.  No whining children in the background, no fights to break up, no feuds demanding intervention... uninterrupted conversations.  Is this what an empty nest will one day be?  If so, I am confident that when that day comes I will adjust just fine.  Do I miss them?  Yes I do.  But it is nice to discover that I miss them.  Especially since I know they are doing fine, they too are having fun, enjoying a change.  As a single parent, breaks from the routine weight of parenting are incredibly precious and painfully rare.  So, my fingers are crossed that they all stay healthy and at camp until pickup on Saturday.  Wish me luck... I'm going back to enjoy my living room.  

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