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© Gail Underwood Parker

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Caring Heart: Best Part of My Day

For us, it was this tradition. You will have your own traditions.  But there will be something that is special for you that leads to a celebration like this.

Best Part of My Day

She said it first today.  Day after day as I walked with her I would take her small hand in mine.  Day after day I would hold her hand as we walked and tell her, "This is the best part of my day."  Sometimes she would just ignore it.  Some days she would pull her hand away and say, "Not mine!" Then last week she slipped her hand into mine before I took hers. Trying to be casual while jumping for joy inside, I just continued our pattern.  Then today she said it.  Careful to keep looking ahead, not at me, she said it.  "Best part of my day."  Then that shy smile, watching me out of the corner of her eyes.  Thank you Lord! A good beginning indeed.  The best part of my day.

Excerpted from "The Caring Heart Speaks: Meditations for foster, kinship, and adoptive parents" by Gail Underwood Parker   Artwork by Anna Parker David from the book cover.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Anything Can Happen: Bugs and Spiders

Speaking yesterday of worries.... It is all over the news that due to our warmer than usual winter we are in for a record bug-season.  Oh goodie.  Stop my feet from dancing.  Arrrggghhh.

Now, I am not afraid of spiders. They don't intimidate me [at least not like miller moths do]. But neither am I excited about finding them everywhere and in more frequency or numbers than usual.  I am not by nature a violent person.  If I see a spider outside, I figure I am in their world and I go my merry way.  BUT, inside is MY world and I tend to take a different tact.

That is why I found the poster below amusing. . . .
Spiders... consider yourself warned!

Image credit and thanks to:, [via Ruxandra Soare]