Today I will be on a panel of kinship foster care providers telling a bit of my story and answering questions from new and/or prospective kinship caregivers. Yikes! How do I balance a reality check and words of caution, while encouraging them to take on this so terribly important, yet sometimes overwhelming job? A friend of mine suggested that simply showing up alive and with an intact [if somewhat twisted] sense of humor would show that it is a survivable choice. We will see. The host offered to let me bring copies of my book so maybe some will be interested. I am looking forward to the panel and excited that training is being offered specific to kinship care... quite a step up from when I began!
Anyway... for those who have been wishing me well I thank you for the moral support. My hand/fingers will never work the right way again, but the surgeries gave me back a lot. I am excited to be able to type reasonably well again and am looking forward to getting back on track. Thanks for hanging in there with me!